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Rita Harvey Counselling​ & Super​vision
Minerva Talking Therapies Ltd
Buy or Borrow Bookstore
All the items listed below are second hand. I have them on my shelves and I am happy to share them.
You can borrow them paying a deposit with Paypal, and if you need posting (UK) please add the relevant fee and your postal address.
I will refund you the difference between the deposit and the borrowing price (not the postage) when I receive the item back. Lending of each item is for up to 1 month, for each following borrowing month the same fee applies. I am adding more titles each week to borrow or even buy, so come back and see.
If you prefer to order via email or you have a large number of items to borrow and ask for a forfait fee, please use the contact page.
Please note I do want my books back - some are difficult to replace - and I don't store your payment details.
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Psychology - Couples and Sexuality
Psychology - Child Development
Psychology, TA Organisational resources
CBT and other Cognitive Behavioural approaches
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